Justing doing some reading and research on how the power of the subconscious have helped many present day mathematicans like Andrew Wiles achieve some of the profoundest breaktrhoughs which 400yrs of toil of various mathematicians couldnt solve and as given below an extract titled "A Male rebel with too many causes" of a person commenting on his experience of consiousness(not acknowledged by psychologists) which provides us missing links and blasts old prison doors of our existence.
Also Consciousness studies are now overturning Darwinian Evolutionary models wherein your own creativity and effort play a role in your evolution its just not genetic programming.
From what makes us Human? A Neuroscience Prolegomenon for the Philosophy of Evolution and Consciousness
A second example of the non-dualistic facilitation of creative psychotherapy occurred with a male in his late fifties. He presented himself as a “pretty smart guy” who, however had again lost his job because of his constant contending with “the bureaucracies and the powers that be until they finally threw me out” On his own inititative he wrote this account of the consciousness gap in his very successful experience of the creative process in psychotherapy.
“I felt more alive after the session today. The session was with Rossi’s mirroring two hand technique where I stare at both hands held in front of me. Today I was working on anxiety, worry and ruminations about my lack of income, money and sexual concerns in my long term relationship with my girlfriend – which was represented by my Left hand. Peace, self-acceptance, ‘circle of life’, order within chaos, “all’s right with the world” – was represented by the right hand. After 5-10 minutes of staring at my hands, they gradually fell into my lap, with the left hand below my right hand. They settled down nicely in my lap as the feeling of comfort and relaxation came over me during 10-15 minutes of a closed eyes trance state.
When I slowly opened my eyes, there was a feeling of safety and relaxation that I rarely ever felt during hour long meditations that I’ve participated in at various Buddist centers for over 20 years, usually once per week for an hour. Clearly, my unconscious mind had resolved some fears and obsessions which the conscious mind was unable to accomplish. The amazing part of this therapeutic process was that Dr.Rossi simply observed me and said nothing while I processed this experience on an unconscious level.”
This patient’s final sentence is very significant. It clearly indicates how this man was so deeply involved in his own inner experience that he needed no guided imagery, commentary, or supportive remarks from the therapist once the creative process was successfully engaged. The entire burden for effective psychotherapy, was carried by the patient’s own creative integration of intuition and thinking. Therapists are ever alert to support patients emotionally when they need it. This is particulary important during the difficult transition between stage two and stage three of the creative process, when some people experience a mild crisis at the peak of the “Period of Private Inner work & Creative replay” in figure 6a is an indication that the patient and therapist dialogue is something more than talk therapy; the typical cognitive behavioural dialogue on the phenomenological level as described by most contemporary accounts of psychotherapy. We propose that people may experience genuine transformations of Consciousness and behavior via intuitive, non-verbal processes that engage activity and experience-dependent gene expression and brain plasticity. These intuitive, non-verbal dynamics, which gave rise to this man’s “alive feeling” during his experience of healing and self transformation, appear to transcend the limitations of the typical cognitive behavioral approaches of many western schools of counseling and psychotherapy.
For your general consideration and power to your selves!