Compassion and Relationships
Heres my simple philosophy. Fun and Compassion. Love and Intelligence in action.
This life is not meant for keeping a serious long face all our lifes nobody wants it that way though most have become that way and lost the ability to be relaxed and carefree. Nor are the deepest truths and facts of life serious, they finally boil down to love, compassion and freedom. If we can live with compassion and also intelligently then this life of yours can turn out to be a fun place. Fun is not everything but by learning certain aspects of oneself we can derive a lot of benefit in the process also derives a certain benefit to oneself. Too much of the time we are doing things more out of some seriousness or as a tense affair than as a relaxation. This much can be avoided in our lives to the extent possible unless we are in great danger or peril.
The spin off of compassion is you try and become a loving person and trying understand the other from where he/she comes from and in making him/her happy either through kind words/gestures/jokes and also give a long rope to the person and fulfill his/her wishes. Out of that would be born a certain kind of love and understanding that we all need. We are unfortunately drawing boundaries for this love and compassion and not allowing it to expand because we basically distrust the person quite naturally because this world is filled with manipulative people with whom we have drawn a boundary. But believe me if you extend wholehearted love and compassion to the other person even if he/she is a stranger, the same would be reciprocated if that particular individual is also intelligent. What we all need is some love and kind words spoken softly that even a rough criminal will be able to understand and act rightly. There is acertain power in our words. We need to use it rightly.
So as two right thinking individuals mutual trust and exploration should be permitted. This is only way we can grow to be more complete and fulfilled. That is why we have friends. And meanininful and intelligent friends with different flavours makes your friensdhip a more complete meal with all the dishes. Everyone in this world has a place that is why we are here so no need to get judgemental of others on how others should be but rather through understanding love and caring we can mould each other and also enrich each others live through this love.
Also if two people are truly in love with each other, each would want the other to be happy first and foremost and as long as they don’t hurt each other they should allow the other person to develop and have the kind of friends he/she chooses.