Saturday, June 18, 2005

Hindu Hit List

The Hindu Hit List carries following personalities :

Here is the list of Anti-Hindu activities going on around the world. Please click on each link to view details.
PERVEZ MUSHARRAF - Crime: For overthrowing the last hope of democracy in Pakistan and hopes for peace in Kashmir. This man is directly responsible for the lives of thousands of Indian-Jawans killed at the L.O.C. E-mail:

SONIA GANDHI - Crime: Traitor to Hindutva and Hindus, Pro-Christian/Muslims agendas. This criminal is the most wanted as has a long list of crimes committed against Hindutva.

OSAMA BIN LADEN - Crime: A criminal against humanity.
Has waged unholy wars in the name of Allah against India, U.S.A and Israel. MOST WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE!

PAT ROBERTSON (700 Club) - CRIME: THIS MAN IS EXTREMELY TERRIFIED OF HINDUISM AND WILL DO ANYTHING IN HIS POWER TO DESTROY IT. What he fears most is that Christians are converting to Hinduism. He has gone on to great extents by calling Hinduism a 'satanic religion'. He cannot be forgiven nor can his speeches be forgotten. He is truly a devil out to destroy something as pure as Hinduism.

LALOO PRASAD YADAV - Crime: Swindled the Gau-Chara's money, millions of rupees. Money was sent into his state from the federal government to be used as cow feed to protect the cows from starvation. Laloo somehow managed to get this hands on a large portion of this money. He will burn in hell for eternity. Laloo is also directly responsible for killing the dalits in his regime.

SID HARTH - Crime: Hundred of article published against Hindutva. This man is a walking encyclopedia of propaganda against anything Hindu. 1000 lashes for this man cannot be enough. Sid Harth, Newlife Enterprises, 1950 South Shore Drive, Erie, PA 16505. Tel: (814)459-8567,

M. Veerappa Moily - Crime: For the deaths of 5 Hindu patriots who wanted to hoist our national flag during Independence day. This criminal was responsible for commanding the police to shoot at these patriots. Their deaths will be avenged.

Mulayam Yadav Singh - Crime: For ordering the killing of Kar Sevaks. Charged with : MURDER

Kuldeep Nayar - Crime: Extremely Anti-Hindu, resident Pakistani

Shabana Azmi - Crime: Actress scum, involved in making several Anti-Hindu movies with immoral themes. This women will do anything to make Hindus look bad.

Deepa Mehta - Crime: For producing movies that depict Hinduism as being immoral. Her sidekick Shanana Azmi. Wolves are known to travel in packs.

Jyoti Basu - Crime: Anti-India, Anti-BJP and The Sangh Parivar, A scum commie!

Romila Thaper - Crime: For distorting the true history of India

Vincent Kunudukulam - Crime: This priest from of the St Thomas Pontifical Seminary, Aluva who claims to have a doctoral degree has written his thesis on the R.S.S . He has openly declared in several of his works that the RSS is a fascist organization and that Hindutva was a distorted version on Hinduism. It is clearly that his work of "forceful conversions" of Hindus is being interrupted by the Sangh. Too Bad! This scum of the earth needs an attitude adjustment.

Dilip D'Souza - Crime: Has writing several articles against Hindutva. This man is a Hindu hater.

Stephen R. Welch - A journalist who writes for The Secular web, web site: Welch is responsible for writing several propaganda articles against Hindutva. His e-mail is:

Helen Heklund - This scum owns several web sites that spread false propaganda about Hinduva. This criminal is directly responsible for spreading false lies about the Sangh Parivar and is determined to cause a strife between the Hindus and the Sikhs. Her pro-muslim agenda is clear! The criminal may be using several alias but her mailing address is PO BOX 2427, Grandbury, TX, 76048 (taken off the whois directory on the net). Telephone #: Not-listed. E-mail: heklund20@HOTMAIL.COM


Amitava Kumar
417 W Nittany Ave,
State College, PA 16801-4057

Vijay Prashad
199 Beacon St,
CT 06105-2927

Raza, Mir A
1128 Boise Dr,
Campbell, CA 95008

You can find this site here

Friday, June 17, 2005

The Blog Sea is a lot calmer today

Fired yesterday's saved notepad and retrieved my messy user name and well forgotten password variation. I found two blogs inside my account. Both had the same name, had a hard time figuring out which carried the first message which I did not want to delete. I tried both one of them yielded a blank post page but then my short term memory confused me, so took the risk of deleting via an intelligent guess. Luckily I deleted the correct blog. Now reporting the experiments to an intelligent public. Will need to play around more with these settings to get used to it. Should be fun I hope. Just finised trying this link to my older blog to see if it works My Rediff Blog

Thursday, June 16, 2005

New to this spot

New to this nifty looking blog. Had a hard time trying to get a user account here. I tried at least hundred ordinary names before this one worked ""Justanotherwackyname" or something like that I forgot what I entered at the end since it didnt allow me to go back.!! Finally I had to finish creating the blog sign out and try signing in with different user names then went to the forgot user name !! criteria, luckily it had some entries there and I whisked the user name after checking my gmail and put it back into the forgot password criteria to get a mail where I could check click on a link to change the password. Whew !! Enough blogging for today I guess. Its not in everybodys karma to get it right the first time. LOL. The template thing was confusing really didnt know whether the template I chose(by left clicking on) got selected. Tried to view the blog before posting and found a 404 error message. Mailed to support people. Real mess. Now I dont know what else to do. Take a break for now.