When you chant the Beloved’s Name, your mind gets enchanted by it’s sweet music and will take up the refrain. The mind is now inebriated with a strange and rare joy. Whenever it wanders, by the repeated infusion of this joy, it becomes immediately steady and placid. It is the waves of lower desires arising in it that cause this disturbance. When the mind is thus perfectly still through the power of the Name, you attain to a state of self-awareness or witness consciousness. In a subtle way, you are made to transcend the relative nature of your life with which you had identified yourself through ignorance, and come to realize that you are one with a vast
, illimitable and eternal Truth of Life.
At first there is a struggle for achieving the awareness, but by constant practice, you are fixed in this supreme consciousness and live and act always in a beatific state. Now the light of the inner witness floods every part of your emotional, vital and physical being, and a marvelous transformation takes place in you. Life is divinized not only in its inner aspect but also in all its outer expressions.
Man’s fall from the height of his spiritual glory is due to his being involved in the external changing and unstable life. Detachment or standing apart from it is the first thing necessary to be freed from the illusion sprung from it. The practice of keeping watch over the mind is a most pleasant one. This can be made easily possible when the mind is tuned to the melody of the divine name. It is then not merely a negative inner detachment but a positive experience of supreme bliss and peace. All the latent powers of the Divine are at this stage revealed and you become an all-round manifestation of the Divine. You realize that the witness and the witnessed are one; you and God are one. The screen that separated you from Him has dissolved , and you look upon all things with an eye of unity because you behold everywhere the forms of your one Eternal Beloved.
This sublime goal is reached by first stilling the mind which is done by chanting the Name. Your ego disappears, your hankering for the objects of desire cease, your sense of bondage is removed, and you swim in an infinite ocean of joy and peace, having realized utter freedom.
So, remember God, meditate on Him, surrender your life to Him and achieve the ‘summum bonum’ of your life, namely the secret of your life –God.