Thursday, June 23, 2005

Calculus and other figures

Calculus, Cuthbert
Début: Red Rackham's Treasure - The Scientist who invented the Shark Submarine.
Trivia: Calculus's original name in French is Tryphon Tournesol (meaning: Sunflower). The character was inspired by the famous inventor of the bathyscaphe, Professor Auguste Piccard. In The Calculus Affair, the professor was imprisoned in the Fortress of Bakhine. Calculus never uses hearing aids because he believes he is only slightly hard of hearing, and hearing aids are for it is for the deaf (Destination Moon, page 8). In recognition of the contribution Calculus' anti-drinking tablets made, Alcazar appointed Calculus Knight Grand Cross of the Order of San Fernando with Oak Leaves. [Tintin and the Picaros]

Début: The Cigars of the Pharaohs (as X33 and X33 bis).


Thomson sports a pointed moustache, his colleague Thompson sports a straight moustache [Land of Black Gold, p2, frames 6, 7, and p9, frame 6, and p33, frame 11; Back Island p2, frame 7; Crab p57, frame 10; Picaros p60, frame 2; Cgars p5, frame 13; Red Sea Sharks p7, frames 13, 14; The Castafiore Emerald, p 47, frame 2, p60 frame 11] / In French, Dupont has une moustache Tournante and Dupond une moustache droite.
The two detectives claim that they have been wearing moustaches since they were born! [Picaros p47, frame 7]
The British Pop group, Thompson Twins is named after the two detectives.
Some say the the two detectives are not brothers, other say they are. Snowy thinks they are brothers [Destination Moon, p18, last frame. Snowy says: This is it! ... Sensational appearance of the Thomson twins! / Entrée sensationnelle des Dupondt brothers! (Note: Les Dupondt)]
They contract a mysterious illness in Land of Black Gold after swallowing some pills from Dr Müller's aspirin bottle. They are plagued by this affliction in Explorers on the Moon.
Cameos: The two can be seen in Asterix and the Belgians
Thomson and Thompson appear in the 1946 colour edition of Tintin in the Congo (page 1, frame 1), but not in the 1931 black and white edition.

Début: Tintin and the Picaros - Page 1, frame 4 - General; vain and mean ruler of San Theodoros.
Trivia: He seized power from Alcazar, with the help of the Kûrvi-Tasch regime in Borduria.
Tapioca changed the Capital of San Theodoros from Los Dopicas to Tapiocapolis.
Tapioca is a beadlike starch extracted from cassava root. It is used in cooking as a thickening agent, especially in puddings.
Also appears in: also mentioned in The Broken Ear, page 20, frame 4; and in The Red Sea Sharks, page 60 (associated erroneously with Nuevo Rico, instead of San Theodoros!)

Début: The Broken Ear - President of San Theodoros.

He was three(?) times the President of the Repulic of San Theodoros.
He enjoys playing Chess and knife throwing.
Addressed by his wife, Peggy, as ZaZar.
Also appears in: Seven Crystal Balls, The Red Sea Sharks, Tintin and the Picaros

Haddock, Archibald
Début: The Crab with the Golden Claws - Commander of the Karaboudjan.

The Captain's first name is Archibald.
The Captain is the President of the Society of Sober Sailors (S.S.S).
For his contribution in toppling General Tapioca in Tintin and the Picaros, Haddock was promised to be decorated with the Order of San Fernando, by Alcazar.
The Captain owns a Lincoln Zephyr, which can be seen in the Seven Crystal Balls).

Castafiore, Bianca
Début: King Ottokar's Sceptre - page 28, frame 2 - Opera Singer.

The first performance mentioned in the series is held at the Winter Garden in Klow, Syldavia. [King Ottokar's Sceptre: page 28, frame 2]
Bianca often performs at the La Scala, Milan [The Castafiore Emerald: page 32, frame 9].
Bianca owes her world wide fame to her rendition of the Jewel Song from Gounod's Faust. According to a newspaper article on page 57 of The Castafiore Emerald, she was said to have performed Rossini's La Gazza Ladra.
Her voice can be heard via the radio in The land of Black Gold, and Tintin in Tibet.
Also appears in: The Seven Crystal Balls, The Red Sea Sharks, The Calculus Affair, The Castafiore Emerald, Tintin and the Picaros.


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