Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On Lembas

When they leave Lothlòrien, Frodo gets a crystal that shows light, when everything is dark. They get four boats, and food called Lembas. Lembas is a bread made by the elves, and makes you go without food longer then if you had eaten regular bread.With the boats they drift with the flow of the river, to Amon Hèn.

Lembas, also known as Elvish waybread, is used by Elves on long journeys. One small bite gives you comfort and it ceases your hunger. Lembas was originally created by Melian, who passed it on to Galadriel. The Elves of Lothlorien gave the Fellowship Lembas to eat on their journey.

It could for all that we know taste like "Kaaju Ki Barfi" since everytime I eat kaaju ki bharfi I think of Lembas.