Thursday, June 23, 2005

How you should read Tintin site where to look for !
If you are interested in the TimeLine heres how you should read these books :

1931-32 Tintin in America
1932-34 Cigars of the Pharaoh
1934-35 The Blue Lotus
1935-37 The Broken Ear
1937-38 The Black Island
1938-39 King Ottokar’s Sceptre
1940-41 The Crab with the Golden Claws
(heres where TinTin meets Captain Haddock)
1941-42 The Shooting Star
1942-43 The Secret of the Unicorn
1943-44 Red Rackham’s Treasure
1943-48 The Seven Crystal Balls
1946-49 Prisoners of the Sun
1948-50 Land of Black Gold
1950-53 Destination Moon
1950-54 Explorers on the Moon
1954-56 The Calculus Affair
1958 The Red Sea Sharks
1960 Tintin in Tibet
1963 The Castafiore Emerald
1968 Flight 714
1976 Tintin and the Picaros